How do you show people in your life how deeply and profoundly you appreciate and love them? We have been surrounded by such incredible love…real true love…the kind that needs no words because actions are so much louder.
People ask Michael and me all the time… “How do you do it?”… Honestly, we just do it. We have to, but when we pause to really think about that question...there are moments when we don’t do “it” well and there are moments we do “it” great and then there are moments we have know idea how to do “it”. But we do “it” together.
This last month has been incredibly hard medically for both Logan and Parker. How did we do it? The answer…with love…there were people in our lives who came and cleaned our house, helped with staying with Parker so we could be with Logan in the hospital, listened as we processed aloud, sent us encouragement through messages, prayed for our strength and healing, and picked up groceries/meds. That is real love…
So today, we thank the people in our lives who have shown us love…you carried us through …so we could do “it” together. We love you with all our hearts.